Hello all. This time I will
discussEnlargement Techniques Catfish
Sangkuriang. Catfish size sangkuriang consumption ranged from 7 s / d 10
tail KG. In the segment bias enlargement catfish using seed size 5/6, 7/8 or
9/10 cm, but in fact many are using size 5/6 as for sizes 7/8 & 9/10 is
difficult to get it is because the higher interest the catfish sangkuriang.
Seeds sangkuriang catfish that size 5/6 takes a 50 s / d 60 days to harvest,
the harvest can be accelerated even further with more often provide feed every
the way of enlargement techniques sangkuriang catfish, swimming pool tarp is
recommended to use because it is easy and has many benefits. The method used
for initial banality who are just starting out should create a pool measuring 5
mx 2 m with a depth of 125 cm s / d 130 cm. For indoor soil should be dug as
deep as 60 cm canvas, do not forget For leveling, smoothing, compacting
subgrade swimming & make kamalir the bottom of the pool. Soil excavation
proceeds used for embankment pond that surrounds the pool, levee height of
about 40 cm. Pool wall can be made with bamboo or brick partner.
pool size 5 mx 2 m or 10 m2 as above interchangeable seed accommodate as many
as 1000 s / d 1200 tail, because the range of stocking which is ideal For
catfish is 100 s / d 120 ekor/m2. Which is readily available pool is filled
with water that was clean and meet the standard, do not let water contaminated
with substances harmful interchangeable. Fill with water until it reaches a
height of 50 cm. thereafter shall use goat manure composting, with the dose 1.5
kg/m2, shg For pond measuring 10 m2 require as much as 15 kg of goat manure.
Goat manure is then divided into two sacks, and tied up tightly and enter kedlm
pool, let the sack containing the goat dung float. After that the given
solution pool water/liquid that can improve water quality and maintain a stable
pH of the water, you should use a solution that has been tested and trusted.
Catfish farmers should preferably have a pH meter of water. If the pH of the
pool water had already qualified, a new catfish stocking of seeds do.
Composting & solution delivery is only done once at each pond preparation
the eighth day, the sack containing the goat manure was then appointed,
treading sacks or dip-dyed before being appointed so that the content of
substances useful for health and catfish pond water more out.
The seed should be purchased from
places that are reliable as sangkuriang
catfish hatcheries. Sprinkle the seeds in accordance with the range which
is ideal stocking, stocking should be done in the morning or afternoon.
given 5 s / d 6 times every day, feeding are spaced about 2 s / d 3 hours,
first feeding began at 9 am, you should avoid feeding before 9 am, because if
it is too early pool surface that still polluted so ill better for catfish.
you want to use pure pellet catfish enlargement sangkuriang it's a good
composition is 30% floating pellets and pellet sinks 70%. If you want to
punctuated with additional feed the pellets sink to be reduced. For example, if
you want an additional member of chicken feed tiren as much as 50%, then the
introduction of pellets sank only 20% only, the dose should not be reduced
floating pellets is 30%. As an illustration, if we use the pellets are; pellet
seed stage 1 for 5/6 or 7/8 = 3 kg, pellet stage 2 = 5 kg, pellet stage 3 = 22
kg & pellets sink = 70 kg so total use of pellets was 100 % or 100 kg of
seed was to catfish feed 1,000 animals and usually only get about 1 quintal
yield catfish consumption. If you want better results you simply add a few
pounds of the amount of feed given.
the pellet stage 1 has run the water level should be increased to 20 cm to 70
cm, with a new water recharge without composting, subsequent addition of water
if the food had run out of pellets plus 2 stage water level of 20 cm to 90 cm
longer so, the water level does not added to the feed pellet 3 phase out, then
if the pellet stage 3 water levels have been depleted recently added another 30
cm thus be 120 cm, height 120 cm of water remain until the harvest.